Addressing Learning Losses Post-Pandemic: Strategies for Effective Remediation and Academic Recovery

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Anna O. Minor & Adam N. Hanes


This research investigates the learning losses experienced by students during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes effective strategies for remediation and academic recovery. The disruptions caused by the pandemic have impacted students' learning trajectories, leading to gaps in knowledge and skills. Drawing on case studies and expert interviews, this study examines successful interventions employed by schools and educational systems to address learning loss. From targeted tutoring and academic catch-up programs to innovative instructional methods, the research assesses the effectiveness of various approaches in accelerating student progress. The findings offer evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and educators to design and implement effective post-pandemic recovery plans to support students' educational journeys.

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How to Cite
Anna O. Minor & Adam N. Hanes. (2023). Addressing Learning Losses Post-Pandemic: Strategies for Effective Remediation and Academic Recovery. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 12(2). Retrieved from